
Innovative Brazilian company in plant nutrition and biologicals.

Leaf Agro is an innovative Brazilian company focused on developing biological and plant nutrition solutions. Founded in 2020 and headquartered in Campinas/SP, Leaf has a specialized production unit in Diadema/SP. Combining cutting-edge research and development, Leaf uses chemical and biological nutrients to develop a comprehensive range of field solutions. This expertise is based on advanced technology, creating unique and customized nutritional solutions for agribusiness.
Leaf Agro is synonymous with innovation: a leading company in research and technology in the agricultural market, focused on sustainable development and productivity. Our commitment is to the future: a greener, more productive, and entirely sustainable future.

Brazil, Europe, and Israel

Innovation is in our DNA

Leaf is 100% committed to offering the best quality and technology products on the market. To ensure this, Leaf products are manufactured by União Química Paulista (UQP), a leading chemical industry operating since 1954 in various segments, including agribusiness. This strategic alliance provides high-quality products and the highest safety standards.

Since 1954

União Química Paulista (UQP)

Leaf Agro understands that innovation is key to advancement: that’s why we invest heavily in Technology and Research and Development. In collaboration with leading research centers in Brazil and Europe, we develop efficient and sustainable solutions that improve nutrient bioavailability, resulting in productivity gains and greater balance in agricultural production ecosystems.